
I am a researcher at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) at Stockholm University. My primary fields of research are applied microeconomics and behavioral economics, with a focus on gender differences in labor market outcomes. I obtained my PhD in Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics in 2014.


Gender and willingness to lead – does the gender composition of teams matter?
Review of Economics and Statistics, 2022
(with A. Born & E. Ranehill)
[Published version]  [SSRN working paper]

Exposure to half-dressed women and economic behavior
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2019
(with E. Bonnier, A. Dreber & K. Hederos)
[Published version] [SSRN working paper]

Competing identities: A field study of in-group bias among professional evaluators
Economic Journal, 2018
[Published version] [Ungated version] [Media briefing] 
[Media coverage: Financial Times]

Comment on Boschini and Gunnarsson: Gendered trends in income inequality
Nordic Economic Policy Review, 2018
(with K. Hederos)
[Published version] [All articles in the issue]

Many analysts, one dataset: Making transparent how variations in analytical choices affect results
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2018
(with R. Silberzahn, E.L. Uhlman, D.P. Martin and others)
[Published version]

Is there an omission effect in prosocial behavior? A laboratory experiment on passive vs. active generosity
PLoS ONE, 2017
(with M. Gärtner)
[Published version]

The importance of family background and neighborhood effects as determinants of crime
Journal of Population Economics, 2016
(with K. HederosR. Hjalmarsson and M. Lindquist)
[Published version]

Gender differences in initiation of negotiation: Does the gender of the negotiation counterpart matter?
Negotiation Journal, 2012
(with K. Hederos)
[Published version] [Non-technical summary: Gender Action Portal]


Gender homophily in job referrals: Evidence from a field study among university students
(with K. Hederos, L. Kvissberg & E. Polano)
[Working paper]

The impact of PhD studies on mental health—A longitudinal population study
(with S. Bergvall, C. Fernström & E. Ranehill)
[Working paper]

Understanding intimate partner violence victimization & perpetration: Risk factors, consequences, and policy implications
(with A. Karimi, H. Mühlrad, S. Niknami and P. Ornstein)
Manuscript available on request.

Implicit Gender Discrimination: Evidence from 41 Countries
(with I. Almås, S. Fest & J. de Quidt)
Manuscript available on request.

Gender differences in performance evaluations: Evidence from Swedish court clerks
(with K. Hederos)

Gender differences in the career progression of academic researchers: The importance of performance evaluations, self-selection and productivity
(with B. BalkanE. Hengel & E. Ranehill)


Hur påverkas kvinnors ledarskap av gruppens könssammansättning?
SNS Analys 90, 2022
(with E. Ranehill)
[Download report]

Kön och jobbrekommendationer – Tipsar män om män och kvinnor om kvinnor?
Ekonomisk Debatt, 2023
(with K. Hederos)
[Download article]

Våld i nära relationer – Riskfaktorer och konsekvenser
SNS Analys 102, 2024
(with A. Karimi, H. Mühlrad, S. Niknami and P. Ornstein)
[Download report]